

Cement Booster

Cement Booster

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Orbit's cement booster is a popular choice from cement industry due to the combination of high energy recycled rubber with steel content (up to 18%) needed in the chemical process. Orbit supplies this booster product in whole shape and as shreds. Again, a lot of effort is given to keep the material within specifications to ensure non-problematic feeding into the kiln.

Functional benefits


The Orbit rubber is highly durable from mechanical wear as well as the impact of chemicals, UV-radiation, temperature variations, bio degrading etc.


Elasticity is what most people link to rubber. The Orbit rubber is elastic within a few percent which means it mainly keeps it's form but will give flex and absorbation.


Our repurposed rubber offers a dry- and wet friction to most other materials, still being strong against mechanical wear.


See friction creating


Orbit rubber is the ultimate shock and vibration absorment in it's various applications.

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